This is Floyd Wynne with THE VIEW FROM HERE 3/10/05
All the things that we God-fearing individual hold sacred are under attack.
Right now the biggest issue is the question of how and where one can display the ten Commandments.
Again it’s the same old issue….a question of division of church and state. Atheists have taken it upon themselves to use the phrase in our Constitution which says the government shall not sanction any religion……but they conveniently leave off the balance which says…..nor prohibit the free exercise thereof.
We were initially established as a nation “under God” and over these several hundred years such atheistic challenges have been denied, but it seems that the liberal judges of the lesser courts of the land have taken it upon themselves to approve each effort to subvert any mention of God in our nation.
I’m surprised that they haven’t protested the worlds “In God We Trust” from our money…..that may be coming also.
We’ve had attacks on our youthful organizations by Gays as well as by Atheists.
Currently, an appeals court has ruled that the public schools in Portland have discriminated by permitting the Boy Scouts of America to recruit kids in school. The Appeals court in a 6 to 3 decision ruled that there is “substantial evidence” that the Portland School District has illegally discriminated against an atheist student by allowing in-school recruiting by the Boy Scouts.
The Atheists based their claim because the Boy Scouts requires a belief in God.
For some time the atheists have been conducting a campaign against the Boy Scouts….in a number of cases…causing organizations like the United Fund to stop funding any Scout operations.
In my book….the answer is simple…..the atheists is not required to join the Boy Scouts……it’s that simple…..but the biggest danger in my book is that one individual or one organization can stop almost any activity in today’s society merely by claiming that he or she is discriminated against.
I fear for the future of this country when individual rights can completely override common sense… in these cases.
This is Floyd Wynne and that’s THE VIEW FROM HERE.