This is Floyd Wynne with
What’s happened to our airport?
Medford’s airport has grown into a hub for air travel out of Southern Oregon.
They have not only lengthened their runways to be able to handle virtually any
type airplane.....they have three airlines operating out of their facility, and
now they plan to add another.
In addition they are planning on a $35 million dollar terminal building.
Not too many years ago, Medford’s airport was just a stopping place while three
different airlines flew out of Kingsley Field.
Today...we have only Horizon...flying to Portland. Period.
At one time we had the second longest runways in the state.
I can remember the big fiasco over a free trade zone. It was initiated locally,
but then began to share planning with Medford...and then...Medford had it and we
A year ago the plans called for the fire fighting facility to be moved from
Medford to Klamath didn’t happen. Why?
It’s only fair to ask why.
At one time Medford offered $100,000 to one airline to fly into Medford....they
also unleashed a public relations effort that paid off in further
airlines....and in grant money to expand their runways.
I was on the City council when we put funding together to replace the old
terminal building at the airport with a new facility. We had great hopes and
plans for the airport....but something went radically wrong, apparently.
It’s only fair to ask whether the Air National Guard effort at the airport is
controlling future growth of the civilian capacity.
Certainly, we value the air national guard and what it represent not only to our
safety but to our economy as well.
It seems to me that the city could well take some of that million dollars a year
they get from the co-gen operations to supplement the airport....not just
improve the terminal building....but bring at least an air service that would
carry our people south....not have to fly to Portland in order to go south to
San Francisco and other points...or drive over the hill to Medford to make those
southern connections.
At Medford...we have an airport that is frequently closed during the winter
months. In the past many of those flights were diverted to Klamath Falls...but
apparently not any more.
The Jackson County Airport Manager, Bern Case, has really turned that airport
into a Southern Oregon hub.
His comment is worthy of repeating. He said; “An airport is either growing and
getting better or its atrophying.”
Looking back on the history of our own airport one would have to admit that as
far as civilian needs are concerned our airport has gone backward.
It’s only far to ask the big question.....why?
This is Floyd Wynne and that’s THE VIEW FROM HERE.