This is Floyd Wynne with THE VIEW FROM HERE.  12/15/05


Wouldn’t it be great if it was Christmas every day!

            I can hear the groans as some say…..we couldn’t afford it.  The cost of buying presents alone would bankrupt us.

            Others would say wait a minute, how about the other religions that are a part of our nation?

            When I say…..Christmas……let me rephrase it this way….I’m referring to the Christmas spirit.

            I see the people in an exceptional mood.  Smiles replacing frowns in most cases…..courtesy being shown on all sides…..and people reflecting an attitude of joy.

            Yes, as a Christian to me Christmas means celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ…..but the spirit that radiates from that event is a feeling that should be prevalent not just on these few weeks before Christmas, but a spirit that should be with us always.

            What a wonderful world it would be if the spirit of Christmas was with us day in and day out.

            Yes, I guess we’d still have some Scrooges with their bah, humbug attitudes, but I think our entire nation….and for that matter….most all the areas of this globe….could benefit from that same spirit.

            It’s difficult to even think of World peace….with our young men and women facing a life and death struggle on foreign soils….and with ruthless terrorists abroad that appear to know no conscience and can only seek glory in the death of innocent men, women and children.

            We have tried to fashion a world of peace what with the League of Nations after World War One….the United Nations after World War Two….yet….where is the peace.

            At Christmas time we think of that glorious night so long ago when the Angels on high sang of Peace on Earth…goodwill to all men…….and wonder what did it really mean.

            Yes….there is a great deal of worldliness and commercialism in our celebration of Christmas…..but the giving of gifts is symbolic of the wise men who came to Bethlehem that night bearing gifts to the babe in the manger.

            Wouldn’t it be wonderful if the Spirit of Christmas….the joy that comes with giving….the rejoicing that comes with families

reunited….would be with us not just at Christmas, but all the year round.

            Then truly the Angels prophesy would be fulfilled with peace on earth….good will toward all men.


            This is Floyd Wynne and that’s THE VIEW FROM HERE.