This is Floyd Wynne with THE VIEW FROM HERE.  12/13/05


            The debate on what our policy is in regards to Iraq have been strident, and have become a dividing issue between our two major political parties.

            Representative John Murtha, a former decorated war vet, became the focal point for the opposition to the Iraq war when he called for the withdrawal of all U.S. troops from Iraq.

            That was followed by similar comments from Nancy Pelosi and others like the Democratic National Chairman John Dean. Then Senator John Kerry virtually accused our forces in Iraq of terrorizing women and children.

            It became apparent that the Iraq war was to be the main issue in forthcoming political campaigns next year.

            But that, too, along with the issues of the economy, the so-called lack of confidence in the Administration have begun to fade.

            As a matter of fact Murtha further elaborated his claim and it begins to fit the program that President Bush already has in place.

            The administration has launched a counter attack to those who would have us abandon Iraq at this critical stage.

            In a Monday speech the President outlined the problems that occurred with the internal affairs in Iraq and noted that tactics had been changed at times because of the divided factions in that country.

            While many Democrats were calling for a troop withdrawal, especially after Thursday’s election….The Secretary of Defense Don Rumsfeld stated weeks ago that about 20,000 would be withdrawn following the election.

            It is very clear that the policy in Iraq is to maintain a presence there until the Iraq forces are prepared militarily and police wise to protect their own country.

            There is every indication that depending on events following the Thursday election and the selection of a new government. U.S. forces will gradually be withdrawn….perhaps first to areas such as Kuwait where they would be readily available if events in Iraq were to deteriorate.

            In this country the debate between the political parties finds most agreeing with that policy….although still trying to set it up as an issue for the election in this country in 2006.

            But, in my opinion, after the initial bursts of acrimony and outcries of get out now…..the debate has been pretty well muted.

            Meantime, if 20,000 troops are withdrawn after the election, you can bet both sides in the dispute will claim it was the result of their opposition.

            The only good thing about the controversy is that it again shows that we can have open debates and discussions in our free society that would not happen in many others around the globe.


This is Floyd Wynne and that’s THE VIEW FROM HERE.