Well the conventions are over and we can look forward to about two months of politics and more politics.


The one surprise that came out of the conventions was that of John McCain naming a woman, Governor Sarah Palin of Alaska as his running mate. That one surprise apparently served to unite a Republican party that was somewhat divided and appears to have caught the Obama campaign a bit off base.

For the next seek or two the Democrats will make every effort to downgrade Governor Palin and it will take many forms. Little of the criticism will come from Obama, but rather from others and from the computer blogs. The Democrats will bring in several female governors to belittle Palins time as the Alaska governor.

The Republicans, in turn, will showcase Governor Palin carefully over the next several weeks as regards media exposure. There is no question that she has brought a down to earth factor to the campaign.  How that will play out over the next two months remains to be seen.


The governing issues in the campaign, at the beginning, were the war in Iraq, and the state of the economy. Recent events in Iraq, with talk of troop withdrawal in the near future has muted that issue to some extent. Senator Obama recently admitted the Surge was indeed successful, he now points to the political issue as proof it hasn’t succeeded. 


The economy has become the top issue in the campaign. The Obama solution is to increase the taxes on the so-called rich, increase the taxes on stock dividends, and turn the health problem over to the federal government. He blithely ignores the fact that such taxes will come down eventually to all consumers. He has made no other suggestions except to say he will not further tax those making over $250,000 per year, but indicated he would not extend the President Bush tax cut.


Well…..what about the McCain view. We have seen little on what measures he would take on the economy except to indicate that adding taxes will make the economy worse. He promises to continue the current tax cuts and change the way business is done in Washington.


As a matter of fact the basic issue appears to be which side can bring about change in the way things are done in the nation’s capitol. 


So the economy issue in simple terms of more taxes for the rich to cover the costs of more services by the government for the few by the Democrats and a policy of cutting down the cost of government and ending pork barrel sending by the Republicans.


That leaves the question of who is best qualified to run the government. Senator Obama has spent four years in the Illinois Legislature and about three in the U.S. Senate. His accomplishments appear to be few having served little time in a leadership roll.


McCain has been in Congress and the Senate for many years. He has supported President Bush on many issues and opposed his own party on others. He is fully aware of how the Congress works and he and his running mate have both promised sharp changes in the way the government will operate in the future.


The current issue appears to be which vice presidential candidate would be qualified to run the nation in the event something happened to the President. That question will be fully aired when the two vice presidential nominees meet in their first and only debate on October 2.


In the meantime it will still be…..politics…..more politics to help you make up your mind.


This if Floyd Wynne and that's the View from Here.


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Text Box:  
This is Floyd Wynne with The View from Here.

Well the conventions are over and we can look forward to about two months of politics and more politics.

The one surprise that came out of the conventions was that of John McCain naming a woman, Governor Sarah Palin of Alaska as his running mate. That one surprise apparently served to unite a Republican party that was somewhat divided and appears to have caught the Obama campaign a bit off base.
For the next seek or two the Democrats will make every effort to downgrade Governor Palin and it will take many forms. Little of the criticism will come from Obama, but rather from others and from the computer blogs. The Democrats will bring in several female governors to belittle Palins time as the Alaska governor.
The Republicans, in turn, will showcase Governor Palin carefully over the next several weeks as regards media exposure. There is no question that she has brought a down to earth factor to the campaign.  How that will play out over the next two months remains to be seen.

The governing issues in the campaign, at the beginning, were the war in Iraq, and the state of the economy. Recent events in Iraq, with talk of troop withdrawal in the near future has muted that issue to some extent. Senator Obama recently admitted the Surge was indeed successful, he now points to the political issue as proof it hasn’t succeeded.  

The economy has become the top issue in the campaign. The Obama solution is to increase the taxes on the so-called rich, increase the taxes on stock dividends, and turn the health problem over to the federal government. He blithely ignores the fact that such taxes will come down eventually to all consumers. He has made no other suggestions except to say he will not further tax those making over $250,000 per year, but indicated he would not extend the President Bush tax cut.

Well…..what about the McCain view. We have seen little on what measures he would take on the economy except to indicate that adding taxes will make the economy worse. He promises to continue the current tax cuts and change the way business is done in Washington.

As a matter of fact the basic issue appears to be which side can bring about change in the way things are done in the nation’s capitol.  

So the economy issue in simple terms of more taxes for the rich to cover the costs of more services by the government for the few by the Democrats and a policy of cutting down the cost of government and ending pork barrel sending by the Republicans.

That leaves the question of who is best qualified to run the government. Senator Obama has spent four years in the Illinois Legislature and about three in the U.S. Senate. His accomplishments appear to be few having served little time in a leadership roll.

McCain has been in Congress and the Senate for many years. He has supported President Bush on many issues and opposed his own party on others. He is fully aware of how the Congress works and he and his running mate have both promised sharp changes in the way the government will operate in the future.

The current issue appears to be which vice presidential candidate would be qualified to run the nation in the event something happened to the President. That question will be fully aired when the two vice presidential nominees meet in their first and only debate on October 2.

In the meantime it will still be…..politics…..more politics to help you make up your mind.

This if Floyd Wynne and that's the View from Here.


Text Box: 9-9-08