This is Floyd Wynne with THE VIEW FROM HERE.
Well O’Bama’s advisors appeared to have scored one up on McCain….at least at the moment.
Acting as though he already was the next President, O’Bama had access to most of the leaders of Europe as well as the Middle East. One has to wonder about the huge throng that greeted him in Germany, but other than that it appeared to be a series of personal talks with most of the leaders,.
That was meant to impress the American voters that he was ready to become the President. One of the big issues in the campaign thus far had been his qualifications to be Commander in Chief.
Back here the pollsters have given him a nine point edge.
Now,,.,,,where does it go from here?
Instead of being inflated because of the European tour, voters should now be taking a closer look at what the two candidates offer.
McCain comes out of a military background where he was a prisoner of war for five years and who has been associated with the military in one way or another including some years in the Senate. O’Bama has no military background. Several years in the Illinois Legislature and two years in Congress. His background has been that of a community organizer. Mainly in Chicago his effort was to organize the minority so they could have influence.
Now let’s take a honest look at their platforms.
McCain is pretty much in step with the majority on the economy. While he would change some things, most would continue. On the question of drilling for more oil, he is for it, as well as developing other energy sources. O’Bama has clearly outlined a plan of more taxation with the benefits targeted to the very poor. He would tax the rich and give to the poor. HE would eliminate the Bush tax cuts saying they only benefited the rich but the middle class reaped a benefit as well. He also would raise the capitol gains tax which could hit all stockholders. He talks also of an increase in payroll taxes. His tax program stems almost directly with his earlier working with the minorities. He is firmly opposed to drilling for oil on our own and stresses the need for find alternative energies.
The issue of who is or is not qualified to be Commander in Chief has been downgraded by his recent tour, but the issues of taxation, plus refusing to drill for more oil to offset our burgeoning energy costs will certainly by highlighted in the balance of the political campaign.
The conventions are just around the corner and I have the feeling that there may be some surprises in this area.
This is Floyd Wynne and that’s THE VIEW FROM HERE.