This is Floyd Wynne with THE VIEW FROM HERE.
I agree wholeheartedly with Dan Keppens view of the negotiations between the city and the county school systems on the question of unifying the area into one school district.
The sharp defeat of the recent bond issues should serve as a warning to both school boards that the public wants some semblance of financial responsibility in the education system.
Just pouring more money into new schools isn’t enough. We note for instance that the schools are to receive more funds from the state during the coming biennium, and immediately we have the schools extending their kindergarten programs to all day affairs.
We have no doubt that our schools are getting older and do require proper maintenance and at times, expansion, but first the public must b e confident that all effort is being made to economize.
Thus far it seems that the city school representatives have entered most of the discussions with a why we can’t do it attitude. The most recent incident where the County approves unification, but the city doesn’t is just another example of why it can’t be done rather than how can we do it.
No question that it will take some give and take on both groups to make it come about, but common sense tells the public that obviously a single school organization can be run more economically than two separate school systems.
First of all….both systems are located within the confines of the community and yet each has its own facility. Combining them into one should not be that big a chore.
Long ago I recommended that there be one School Superintendent and then an assistant for the county and one for the city operations. We note that the city school system….while involved in possible unification went ahead and gave the city school superintendent a new three year contract. It seems to us that if they are really negotiating in good faith they would have held up on a new contract pending the results of the negotiations. There is no question that if unification comes about….one Superintendent of the other is going to have to leave or take a lesser position in the new arrangement.
The public fully understands that there are a number of issues that must b e fully explored before any final decision is made, but at the moment it does appear that the city school board is working from a negative viewpoint rather than a positive approach.
Before the public will approve any future bond issues, it must be fully convinced that the unification process has been fully considered and either adopted or some very considerable reasons given why it hasn’t.
This is Floyd Wynne and that’s THE VIEW FROM HERE.