This is Floyd Wynne with THE VIEW FROM HERE.

The spotlight is on Iraq.

              The giant question is will the Iraqis be able to stem their own sectarian violence?

              Another question still unanswered is the effect of the execution of Sadaam Hussein.

              While strident voices are raised on both sides regarding the future of the Iraqi conflict, I think it important to point out a recent book on Iraq called “Banking on Baghdad” by Edwin Black.

              Published in 2004 it details the 7,000 year old history of Iraq and the issues of war, profit and conflict in that country.

Black indicates that violence has been a way of life in Iraq…..that internal strife has always been a way of living in that country.

Particularly significant is the history of the English in Iraq.  In the closing days of World War One…..the English took a turn at civilizing Iraq.

They instituted a constitution formed on the English system and providing a measure of independence for its people that they had not had before.

That was in the 1920s…...when oil was first beginning to become important in world trade.

What happened.

The Iraqis resented the English and terrorist activities began to multiply.   British troops were murdered.   The British eventually retaliated even to the extent of burning some of the Iraq villages.

The terror attacks continued and the British resorted to aerial warfare in an attempt to stop the violence… only grew worse.

Finally the British withdrew.    A King took over for a time...and then the strong man Hussein took the reins of power and the minority Sunnis were in control and violence against both the Shiites and the Kurds were a part of the political agenda.  It even expanded into a long bloody war with neighboring Iran….and then into an invasion into Kuwait which was repulsed by the first war in the desert.

              Today….strangely we have taken a course very similar to that tried by the British.  A Constitution has been approved….a government organized….and the senseless and bloody violence continues.

              Today….we pin our hopes that the Iraqi troops we have been training can take control of their country and that our forces can  withdraw, leaving a nation able to preserve its independence.

              In the planning for the effort to overthrow the Hussein regime in Iraq, we failed to heed the warnings of history as to the nature of the Iraqi people.

Our future success or failure in Iraq depends almost entirely on the quality and the courage of the Iraqi army and the political leaders.

It also depends on the political balance and national will power on our nation, as well.  Success will mean that the 7000 yeas of violence in this tiny nation will give way to a peaceful, more democratic existence.

This is Floyd Wynne and that’s THE VIEW FROM HERE.

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Text Box:  
This is Floyd Wynne with THE VIEW FROM HERE.

The spotlight is on Iraq.
              The giant question is will the Iraqis be able to stem their own sectarian violence?
              Another question still unanswered is the effect of the execution of Sadaam Hussein.
              While strident voices are raised on both sides regarding the future of the Iraqi conflict, I think it important to point out a recent book on Iraq called “Banking on Baghdad” by Edwin Black.
              Published in 2004 it details the 7,000 year old history of Iraq and the issues of war, profit and conflict in that country.
Black indicates that violence has been a way of life in Iraq…..that internal strife has always been a way of living in that country. 
Particularly significant is the history of the English in Iraq.  In the closing days of World War One…..the English took a turn at civilizing Iraq.
They instituted a constitution formed on the English system and providing a measure of independence for its people that they had not had before.
That was in the 1920s…...when oil was first beginning to become important in world trade.
What happened.
The Iraqis resented the English and terrorist activities began to multiply.   British troops were murdered.   The British eventually retaliated even to the extent of burning some of the Iraq villages.
The terror attacks continued and the British resorted to aerial warfare in an attempt to stop the violence… only grew worse.
Finally the British withdrew.    A King took over for a time...and then the strong man Hussein took the reins of power and the minority Sunnis were in control and violence against both the Shiites and the Kurds were a part of the political agenda.  It even expanded into a long bloody war with neighboring Iran….and then into an invasion into Kuwait which was repulsed by the first war in the desert.
              Today….strangely we have taken a course very similar to that tried by the British.  A Constitution has been approved….a government organized….and the senseless and bloody violence continues.
              Today….we pin our hopes that the Iraqi troops we have been training can take control of their country and that our forces can  withdraw, leaving a nation able to preserve its independence.
              In the planning for the effort to overthrow the Hussein regime in Iraq, we failed to heed the warnings of history as to the nature of the Iraqi people.
Our future success or failure in Iraq depends almost entirely on the quality and the courage of the Iraqi army and the political leaders.
It also depends on the political balance and national will power on our nation, as well.  Success will mean that the 7000 yeas of violence in this tiny nation will give way to a peaceful, more democratic existence.
This is Floyd Wynne and that’s THE VIEW FROM HERE. 

Text Box: 1/11/07