This is Floyd Wynne with "The View from Here"
Did politics govern Commissioner Steve West's decision on the choice of which group will receive the $200,000 a year for five years to promote tourism in Klamath County?
After all, Stephanie Bailey, Executive Director of the Klamath County Chamber of Commerce is also a candidate to oppose West in the elections next year.
We are not taking sides on who should do the promoting of the County and thus receive that share of the hotel-motel tax so dedicated. However it seems strange that there is such a difference between the scores of two of the Commissioners, Switzer and Elliot, and that of West.
We're talking about turning a million dollars over to two people who do not have a track record on dealing with tourism. I say a million, because the contract apparently is for a five year period.
The Chamber has existed in the area for almost a century, and I have been a director and an interested bystander during the past fifty years. The efforts of the Chamber over the years has only been as good as the community support dictates.
Now, when the Chamber received an inquiry about the County.....where will it go?
Fancy brochures are fine, but only if they reach the people who are interested in visiting here or locating a business here. Who those people are will be better know to the Chamber than to two individuals.
It seems strange that the three people who evaluated the presentations preferred that of the Chamber by a 938 to 884 vote, but when it came to the Commissioners voting...both Switzer and Elliott scored it closely...Switzer 38 to 36 for the two individual presentation, Elliott 16 to 15 for the same group....but West came forth with 38 for the two individuals and then he cast a minus 41 for the Chamber. His decision was obviously politically driven.
The overall effect of the Commissioner's vote is a slap in the face for the business community, which support the Chamber of Commerce. It is true the Chamber's presentation should have been made solely by the elected directors of the Chamber. One could rightfully expect some animosity on the part of West...when considering a proposal of an individual who had filed to oppose him in the next election.
However, the fact remains that the damage done to the Chamber a number of years ago when the Commissioners took the money away from that organization and set up a County Tourism Department....has now been compounded by awarding the entire tourism effort to individuals who do not have a track record in that against an organization that has standing in the Community and has worked for almost a century to promote the area, both in tourism and in business and industrial searches.
The actions of the Commissioners is certainly open to criticism and we would hope the community understands that a million dollars of tax money has been awarded in this slip shod manner.
If the basis for selection was the presentation of a beautiful brochure, then why not pay them a reasonable figure for their efforts and let the Chamber be the center for distribution.
The Commissioners actions have simply again divided the community effort to promote the area. We again have a two pronged tourism effort that can only succeed if the two forces are working together, and it's difficult to see that happening in the view of the Commissioners decision.
This is Floyd Wynne and that's "The View from Here"