This is Floyd Wynne with THE VIEW FROM HERE (12-14-04)
If you don’t love animals, you won’t like this commentary.
It happened back in 1983....Ronald Reagan was President.
He was proposing a star war defense against possible Soviet missiles. Sally Ride
became the first woman astronaut to fly into space....and we had the usual
details about various crises around the world.
One wintry day.....a small kitten found its way to the front door of our studios
on Oregon Avenue. The staff began a discussion on just what they should call
this new addition to our staff.
They decided that Promo.....short for promotion would be an ideal name for a
radio that’s what she was called.
As the years went by.....Promo was adopted by every member of the staff....old
and new. She became adept at negotiating the twists and turns of the building
and could be found anywhere at any time.
She adapted well to all the changes that have occurred.....mostly the move into
the computer dominated well as to any new employees. She adopted
them one and all.,...and played no favorites, although she could be lured by
little handouts.
At one time, our newsman taught her to do a number of tricks by rewarding her
with little tidbits.....but as the years went by....she wasn’t quite so agile.
She’d rather occupy one of the sales peoples chair or perhaps wander into Bob’s
office and prowl a bit.
She became the landmark of the radio station....even had basically her own room
and bed, and everyone knew that she was the favorite child of the management and
treated her as such. with all of us.....her age began to creep up on her.
She didn’t jump as high.....nor run as fast.....and more often than not one
could find her asleep somewhere.....almost anywhere as she showed no favoritism.
Then one day another little black kitty cat appeared at the radio station door.
Again....the staff convened, discussed and decided that the new female feline
should have an appropriate they adopted the new arrival and dubbed her
Spot. After all...a radio ad is called a spot announcement.
Promo, however, continued to be the senior and quietly, but with class....she
tolerated the new arrival. Spot, however, was constantly trying to take over the
operation. The two never really quarreled, but for Promo it was the equivalent
of a mother cat...tolerating an infant. day last week.....Promo succumbed to the problems of old
age.....and climbed up on to one of the chairs...and quietly went to
sleep.....and off to the land where cats are king...where there are new friends
to greet.....where the limits of this side of the great divide know no bounds.
Promo is gone.......but memories of her linger long.
This is Floyd
Wynne and that’s THE VIEW FROM HERE.